Edmund Mučenik

Kralj Istočnih Angla
Srednjovjekovna ilustracija Edmundove smrti
Vladavina 25. decembar 855 (tradicionalna) – 20. novembar 869 (ili 870)
Rođen/a 841 (po tradiciji)
Umro/la 20. novembar 869
Prethodnik Æthelweard od Istočne Anglije
Nasljednik Oswald
Kraljevska kuća nepoznata
Otac možda Æthelweard

Edmund Mučenik engleski: Edmund the Martyr; staroengleski: Eadmund, ēad, "blagostanje", "bogatstvo"; i mund, "zaštitnik"); također poznat i kao Sveti Edmund ili Edmund od Istočne Anglije (? - 20. novembar 869) bio je kralj Istočne Anglije od oko 855. do smrti 869. O njegovom životu i vladavini se ne zna gotovo ništa, a jedini izvori iz njegovog doba jesu par oskudnih zapisa u Angosaksonskoj kronici i numizmatički artefakti. Takav je slučaj i s brojnim drugim istočnoanglijskim vladarima, što se tumači vikinškim pljačkaškim pohodima na Istočnu Angliju u kojoj su poharani tamošnji samostani i spaljene službene kronike i dokumenti. Sam Edmund je poginuo u borbi protiv Vikinga, najvjerojatnije protiv tzv. Velike poganske armije koja je pustošila istok Engleske nastojeći osvetiti smrt Ragnara Lodbroka. Edmundovu smrt je, pak, krajem 10. vijeka opisao Abbo od Fleuryja u hagiografiji za račun Opatije Ramsey, nakon čega je stekao status mučenika i sveca.


  • Abbo of Fleury. „The Martyrdom of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia, 870”. Abbo of Fleury's Life of St. Edmund. Mediaeval Sourcebook. 
  • Altmann, Barbara K. (2003). The Court Reconvenes: Courtly Literature Across the Disciplines. Woodbridge: Brewer. ISBN 9780859917971. 
  • Ball, Ann (2003). The Encyclopaedia of Catholic Devotion and Practices. Huntingdon, USA: Our Sunday Visitor Inc.. ISBN 0-87973-910-X. [mrtav link]
  • „Edmund the Martyr, Saint”. The Catholic Encyclopedia: Volume 5. Internet Archive. 1913. 
  • „The Basilica of St Saturnin”. The Catholic World: A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science (New York: The Catholic Publication House) VIII (October 1868 - March 1869). 
  • Cantor, Leonard, ur. (1982). The English Medieval Landscape. London: Croom Helm. ISBN 0709907079. 
  • Earle, John (1865) (staroengleski). Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 
  • Farmer, David Hugh (2004). Oxford Dictionary of Saints. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-860949-3 1. 
  • Field, Rosalind; Brewer, Derek (2010). Christianity and Romance in Medieval England. Christianity and Culture. Woodbridge: Brewer. ISBN 184384219X. 
  • Frantzen, Allen J. (2004). Bloody Good: Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the Great War. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226260853. 
  • Gransden, Antonia (1992). Legends, Traditions and History in Medieval England. London, Rio Grande: Hambleton Press. ISBN 1-85285-016-7. 
  • Grierson, Philip; Blackburn, Mark (1986). Medieval European Coinage 1. The Early Middle Ages (5th-10th centuries). Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-26009-1. 
  • Hanks, Patrick; Hardcastle, Kate; Hodges, Flavia (2006), A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford Paperback Reference (2nd izd.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 84, ISBN 978-0-19-861060-1 
  • Kennedy, John J (Autumn 1991). „The Arms of Ireland: Medieval and Modern”. Coat of Arms (The Heraldary Society) (155). Pristupljeno 2012-01-02. 
  • Mawer, Allen (1910). „Edmund, King of East Anglia”. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 8 (11th izd.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pristupljeno 2011-12-20. 
  • Mostert, Marco (1999). „Edmund, St, King of East Anglia”. u: M. Lapidge et al. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England. London: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-22492-0. 
  • Nicolas, Sir Harris (1832). History of the Battle of Agincourt. London: Johnson. 
  • Plunkett, Steven (2005). Suffolk in Anglo-Saxon Times. Stroud: Tempus. ISBN 9780752-43139-0. 
  • Preble, George Henry (1917). Origin and History of the American Flag and of the Naval and Yacht-Club Signals, Seals and Arms, and Principal National Songs of the United States, with a Chronicle of the Symbols, Standards, Banners, and Flags of Ancient and Modern Nations. Philadelphia: N. L. Brown. 
  • Stead, Ian Mathieson; Bourke, J. and Brothwell, D. (1986). Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. London: British Museum. ISBN 0714113867. 
  • Swanton, Michael (1997). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-92129-5. 
  • Warner, Peter (1996). The Origins of Suffolk. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-7190-3817-0. 
  • Yorke, Barbara (2002). Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-16639-X. 
  • Yorke, Barbara (1995). Wessex in the Early Middle Ages. New York: Leicester University Press. ISBN 0-7185-1314-2. 

Vanjske veze

Edmund Mučenik na Wikimedijinoj ostavi
  • An account of Edmund's legendary life and his veneration in mediaeval times at the St Edmundsbury Borough Council website. Arhivirano 2007-06-02 na Wayback Machine-u
  • Saint Edmund: "England's Original Patron Saint", at Hoxne's website.
  • Other examples of illuminated manuscripts depicting Edmund, from the British Library:
- Harley 1766 Arhivirano 2013-06-18 na Wayback Machine-u (The Fall of Princes)
- Royal 2 B VI Arhivirano 2014-12-23 na Wayback Machine-u (Psalter and Canticles 13th century)
  • Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England (PASE) Arhivirano 2016-03-03 na Wayback Machine-u database.
Engleska kraljevska porodica
Kralj Istočne Anglije
25 December 855 (trad.) – 20. novembar 869
  • p
  • r
  • u

Wehha  • Wuffa  • Tytila  • Rædwald  • Eorpwald  • Ricberht  • Sigeberht^  • Ecgric^  • Anna  • Æthelhere  • Æthelwold  • Ealdwulf  • Ælfwald  • Hun^  • Beorna^  • Alberht^  • Æthelred  • Æthelberht II  • Offa  • Eadwald  • Cœnwulf  • Ceolwulf  • Béornwulf  • Æthelstan  • Æthelweard  • Edmund Mučenik  • Oswald  • Æthelred II  • Guthrum I  • Eohric  • Æthelwold  • Guthrum II

^ ko-kraljevi također kralj Kenta i kralj Mercije također kralj Mercije pod-kraljevi Danci