
Sanh Tiền (Sênh Tiền, Sinh Tiền)

シン・ティエン(ベトナム語sinh tiền / 生錢)またはセン・ティエン(ベトナム語sênh tiền / 笙錢)はベトナムの民族楽器の一つ[1]拍子木すりざさらラトル、としての機能を併せ持つ。木製の三つの部品から成り、ラトルとしての機能のために中国の古銭を備える[2]



  1. ^ Vietnam Institute for Musicology (V.I.M) The Vietnamese Court Music. "Trainees performed with some musical instruments of the Small music such as the small drum, sênh tiền (castanets with coined stringed), the bamboo slab, tam âm (triangle), tỳ bà (a plucked stringed instrument), nguyệt (the moon-shaped two-chord guitar), flute, monochord; and of the Great music such as the sônar wind instrument, chiến drum, bồng drum, buffalo tocsin, chũm chọe (a kind of cymbal),"
  2. ^ Randy Raine-Reusch Play the World: The 101 World Instrument Primer Page 98 "Senh Tien or Sinh Tien - Vietnam. The senh tien is a combined clapper, rasp, and jingle made from three pieces of wood and old Chinese coins. It was used in the Vietnamese Nguyen Court from the early nineteenth century and has since found its way into a number of other musical styles. The main body of the senh tien is made from two wooden slats that are partially glued together .."


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