Alexei Fiodorovitx Orlov

Alexei Fiodorovitx Orlov

Irudi gehiago

member of the State Council of the Russian Empire (en) Itzuli

ambassador of the Russian Empire to the Ottoman Empire (en) Itzuli

JaiotzaMosku, 1786ko urriaren 8a (juliotar egutegia)
Herrialdea Errusiar Inperioa
HeriotzaSan Petersburgo, 1862ko maiatzaren 9a (juliotar egutegia) (75 urte)
AitaFiodor Orlov
Ezkontidea(k)Olga Orlova (en) Itzuli  (1826ko maiatzaren 14a -  ezezaguna)
  • Nikolay Alexeyevich Orlov (en) Itzuli
    Q120722257 Itzuli
  • Michail Orlov (en) Itzuli
LeinuaHouse of Orlov (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakdiplomazialaria, ofizierra eta politikaria
Jasotako sariak
  • Knight of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky Knight of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky
    Order of Saint Anna, 1st class Order of Saint Anna, 1st class  (1821)
    Order of Saint Anna, 3rd class Order of Saint Anna, 3rd class  (1806)
    Order of St. Vladimir, 4th class Order of St. Vladimir, 4th class  (1812)
    Order of St. Vladimir, 1st class Order of St. Vladimir, 1st class
    Order of St. Andrew Order of St. Andrew  (1839)
    Gold Sword for Bravery Gold Sword for Bravery  (1808)
    Order of St. George, 4th class Order of St. George, 4th class  (1813)
    Knight Grand Officer of the Order of Willem Knight Grand Officer of the Order of Willem  (1844ko ekainaren 11)
    Gold Sword for Bravery Gold Sword for Bravery  (1828)
    Kulm Cross  (1813)
    Order of Leopold Order of Leopold  (1814)
    Military Order of Max Joseph Military Order of Max Joseph  (1814)
    Pour le Mérite ordena Pour le Mérite ordena  (1814)
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary  (1830)
    Grand Cross of the Order of the Redeemer Grand Cross of the Order of the Redeemer  (1834)
    Order of the Black Eagle Order of the Black Eagle  (1835)
    Royal Order of the Seraphim Royal Order of the Seraphim  (1838ko ekainaren 12a)
    Order of Saint Hubert Order of Saint Hubert  (1838)
    Order of the Crown Order of the Crown  (1838)
    Order of the Lion and the Sun First class Order of the Lion and the Sun First class  (1838)
    Order of the White Falcon Order of the White Falcon  (1838)
    Order of Fidelity Order of Fidelity  (1839)
    Order of the Zähringer Lion Order of the Zähringer Lion  (1839)
    Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion  (1839)
    Order of the Rue Crown Order of the Rue Crown  (1840)
    Order of the Most Holy Annunciation Order of the Most Holy Annunciation  (1845)
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit  (1845)
    Order of the Merit under the title of Saint Louis  (1850)
    Ohorezko Legioko gurutze handia Ohorezko Legioko gurutze handia  (1856ko apirilaren 16a (juliotar egutegia))
    Order of the Red Eagle 1st Class Order of the Red Eagle 1st Class
    Order of St. George Order of St. George
    Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky
    Order of Saint Anna, 1st class with diamonds Order of Saint Anna, 1st class with diamonds
    Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary
    Order of the Red Eagle Order of the Red Eagle
    Order of the Netherlands Lion Order of the Netherlands Lion
    Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit
    Order of the Redeemer Order of the Redeemer
    Order of the Lion and the Sun Order of the Lion and the Sun
KidetzaSan Petersburgoko Zientzien Akademia
Zerbitzu militarra
Graduamaior jeneral
teniente jeneral
General of the Cavalry (en) Itzuli
Parte hartutako gatazkakNapoleondar Gerrak
Artikulu hau diplomatikoari buruzkoa da; beste esanahietarako, ikus «Alexei Orlov».

Alexei Fiodorovitx Orlov printzea (errusieraz: Алексе́й Фёдорович Орло́в; Mosku, 1787ko urriaren 30agreg./1787ko urriaren 19ajul.San Petersburgo, 1862ko ekainaren 2agreg./1862ko maiatzaren 21ajul.) Errusiako aitonen seme eta politikaria izan zen. Fiodor Grigorievitx Orloven sasikoa, Alexei Grigorievitx eta Grigori Orloven iloba izan zen. Napoleonen eta Turkiaren kontrako gerretan parte hartu zuen. 1856an printze, Inperioko Kontseiluko eta Ministro Batzordeko lehendakari izendatu zuten. [1]


  1. Lur entziklopedietatik hartua.

Errusiar Inperioa
Artikulu hau Errusiar Inperioko biografia baten zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.

Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q957733
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Alexey Fyodorovich Orlov / Q957733

  • Identifikadoreak
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 60175004
  • ISNI: 0000000017051489
  • BNF: 17118109t (data)
  • GND: 129901717
  • Hiztegiak eta entziklopediak
  • Lur: 04611/eu_o_1529/o1529
  • Wd Datuak: Q957733
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Alexey Fyodorovich Orlov / Q957733